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HDFS Connector

This connector provides a Sink that writes rolling files to any filesystem supported by Hadoop FileSystem. To use this connector, add the following dependency to your project:


Note that the streaming connectors are currently not part of the binary distribution. See here for information about how to package the program with the libraries for cluster execution.

Rolling File Sink

The rolling behaviour as well as the writing can be configured but we will get to that later. This is how you can create a default rolling sink:

DataStream<String> input = ...;

input.addSink(new RollingSink<String>("/base/path"));
val input: DataStream[String] = ...

input.addSink(new RollingSink("/base/path"))

The only required parameter is the base path where the rolling files (buckets) will be stored. The sink can be configured by specifying a custom bucketer, writer and batch size.

By default the rolling sink will use the pattern "yyyy-MM-dd--HH" to name the rolling buckets. This pattern is passed to SimpleDateFormat with the current system time to form a bucket path. A new bucket will be created whenever the bucket path changes. For example, if you have a pattern that contains minutes as the finest granularity you will get a new bucket every minute. Each bucket is itself a directory that contains several part files: Each parallel instance of the sink will create its own part file and when part files get too big the sink will also create a new part file next to the others. To specify a custom bucketer use setBucketer() on a RollingSink.

The default writer is StringWriter. This will call toString() on the incoming elements and write them to part files, separated by newline. To specify a custom writer use setWriter() on a RollingSink. If you want to write Hadoop SequenceFiles you can use the provided SequenceFileWriter which can also be configured to use compression.

The last configuration option is the batch size. This specifies when a part file should be closed and a new one started. (The default part file size is 384 MB).


DataStream<Tuple2<IntWritable,Text>> input = ...;

RollingSink sink = new RollingSink<String>("/base/path");
sink.setBucketer(new DateTimeBucketer("yyyy-MM-dd--HHmm"));
sink.setWriter(new SequenceFileWriter<IntWritable, Text>());
sink.setBatchSize(1024 * 1024 * 400); // this is 400 MB,

val input: DataStream[Tuple2[IntWritable, Text]] = ...

val sink = new RollingSink[String]("/base/path")
sink.setBucketer(new DateTimeBucketer("yyyy-MM-dd--HHmm"))
sink.setWriter(new SequenceFileWriter[IntWritable, Text]())
sink.setBatchSize(1024 * 1024 * 400) // this is 400 MB,


This will create a sink that writes to bucket files that follow this schema:


Where date-time is the string that we get from the date/time format, parallel-task is the index of the parallel sink instance and count is the running number of part files that where created because of the batch size.

For in-depth information, please refer to the JavaDoc for RollingSink.