Source code for pyflink.common.config_options

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from typing import TypeVar, Generic

from pyflink.java_gateway import get_gateway

T = TypeVar('T')

__all__ = ['ConfigOptions', 'ConfigOption']

[docs]class ConfigOptions(object): """ {@code ConfigOptions} are used to build a :class:`~pyflink.common.ConfigOption`. The option is typically built in one of the following patterns: Example: :: # simple string-valued option with a default value >>> ConfigOptions.key("tmp.dir").string_type().default_value("/tmp") # simple integer-valued option with a default value >>> ConfigOptions.key("application.parallelism").int_type().default_value(100) # option with no default value >>> ConfigOptions.key("").string_type().no_default_value() """ def __init__(self, j_config_options): self._j_config_options = j_config_options @staticmethod def key(key: str): """ Starts building a new ConfigOption. :param key: The key for the config option. :return: The builder for the config option with the given key. """ gateway = get_gateway() j_option_builder = return ConfigOptions.OptionBuilder(j_option_builder) class OptionBuilder(object): def __init__(self, j_option_builder): self._j_option_builder = j_option_builder def boolean_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[bool]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of bool type. """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.booleanType()) def int_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[int]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of int type (from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.intType()) def long_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[int]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of int type (from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807). """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.longType()) def float_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[float]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of float type (4-byte single precision floating point number). """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.floatType()) def double_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[float]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of float Double} type (8-byte double precision floating point number). """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.doubleType()) def string_type(self) -> 'ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder[str]': """ Defines that the value of the option should be of str type. """ return ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder(self._j_option_builder.stringType()) class TypedConfigOptionBuilder(Generic[T]): def __init__(self, j_typed_config_option_builder): self._j_typed_config_option_builder = j_typed_config_option_builder def default_value(self, value: T) -> 'ConfigOption[T]': return ConfigOption(self._j_typed_config_option_builder.defaultValue(value)) def no_default_value(self) -> 'ConfigOption[str]': return ConfigOption(self._j_typed_config_option_builder.noDefaultValue())
[docs]class ConfigOption(Generic[T]): """ A {@code ConfigOption} describes a configuration parameter. It encapsulates the configuration key, deprecated older versions of the key, and an optional default value for the configuration parameter. {@code ConfigOptions} are built via the ConfigOptions class. Once created, a config option is immutable. """ def __init__(self, j_config_option): self._j_config_option = j_config_option