 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * ====================================================================
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
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package org.apache.jasper.xmlparser;

 * This class is a symbol table implementation that guarantees that
 * strings used as identifiers are unique references. Multiple calls
 * to <code>addSymbol</code> will always return the same string
 * reference.
 * <p>
 * The symbol table performs the same task as <code>String.intern()</code>
 * with the following differences:
 * <ul>
 *  <li>
 *   A new string object does not need to be created in order to
 *   retrieve a unique reference. Symbols can be added by using
 *   a series of characters in a character array.
 *  </li>
 *  <li>
 *   Users of the symbol table can provide their own symbol hashing
 *   implementation. For example, a simple string hashing algorithm
 *   may fail to produce a balanced set of hashcodes for symbols
 *   that are <em>mostly</em> unique. Strings with similar leading
 *   characters are especially prone to this poor hashing behavior.
 *  </li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Andy Clark
 * @deprecated Will be removed in Tomcat 9.0.x onwards
public class SymbolTable {

    // Constants

     * Default table size.
    private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 101;

    // Data

     * Buckets.
    private final Entry[] fBuckets;

    // actual table size
    private final int fTableSize;

    // Constructors

     * Constructs a symbol table with a default number of buckets.
    public SymbolTable() {

     * Constructs a symbol table with a specified number of buckets.
     * @param tableSize The table size (default is 101)
    public SymbolTable(int tableSize) {
        fTableSize = tableSize;
        fBuckets = new Entry[fTableSize];

    // Public methods

     * Adds the specified symbol to the symbol table and returns a
     * reference to the unique symbol. If the symbol already exists,
     * the previous symbol reference is returned instead, in order
     * guarantee that symbol references remain unique.
     * @param buffer The buffer containing the new symbol.
     * @param offset The offset into the buffer of the new symbol.
     * @param length The length of the new symbol in the buffer.
     * @return the symbol added
    public String addSymbol(char[] buffer, int offset, int length) {

        // search for identical symbol
        int bucket = hash(buffer, offset, length) % fTableSize;
        OUTER: for (Entry entry = fBuckets[bucket]; entry != null; entry = {
            if (length == entry.characters.length) {
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    if (buffer[offset + i] != entry.characters[i]) {
                        continue OUTER;
                return entry.symbol;

        // add new entry
        Entry entry = new Entry(buffer, offset, length, fBuckets[bucket]);
        fBuckets[bucket] = entry;
        return entry.symbol;

    } // addSymbol(char[],int,int):String

     * Returns a hashcode value for the specified symbol information.
     * The value returned by this method must be identical to the value
     * returned by the <code>hash(String)</code> method when called
     * with the string object created from the symbol information.
     * @param buffer The character buffer containing the symbol.
     * @param offset The offset into the character buffer of the start
     *               of the symbol.
     * @param length The length of the symbol.
     * @return the hash value
    public int hash(char[] buffer, int offset, int length) {

        int code = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            code = code * 37 + buffer[offset + i];
        return code & 0x7FFFFFF;

    } // hash(char[],int,int):int

    // Classes

     * This class is a symbol table entry. Each entry acts as a node
     * in a linked list.
    private static final class Entry {

         * Symbol.
        private final String symbol;

         * Symbol characters. This information is duplicated here for
         * comparison performance.
        private final char[] characters;

         * The next entry.
        private final Entry next;

         * Constructs a new entry from the specified symbol information and
         * next entry reference.
        Entry(char[] ch, int offset, int length, Entry next) {
            characters = new char[length];
            System.arraycopy(ch, offset, characters, 0, length);
            symbol = new String(characters).intern();
   = next;