All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Component>, IEventSink, IEventSource, IWizardStep, IFeedbackContributor, IConverterLocator, IMetadataContext<Serializable,Component>, IQueueRegion, IHeaderContributor, IRequestableComponent, IHierarchical<Component>, IClusterable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DynamicWizardStep, StaticContentStep

public class WizardStep extends Panel implements IWizardStep
default implementation of IWizardStep. It is also a panel, which is used as the view component.

And example of a custom step with a panel follows. Java (defined e.g. in class x.NewUserWizard):

 private final class UserNameStep extends WizardStep
        public UserNameStep()
                super(new ResourceModel("username.title"), new ResourceModel("username.summary"));
                add(new RequiredTextField("user.userName"));
                add(new RequiredTextField("").add(EmailAddressValidator.getInstance()));
HTML (defined in e.g. file x/NewUserWizard$UserNameStep.html):
     <td><wicket:message key="username">Username</wicket:message></td>
     <td><input type="text" wicket:id="user.userName" /></td>
     <td><wicket:message key="email">Email Address</wicket:message></td>
     <td><input type="text" wicket:id="" /></td>

Eelco Hillenius
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WizardStep

      public WizardStep()
      Construct without a title and a summary. Useful for when you provide a custom header by overiding getHeader(String, Component, IWizard).
    • WizardStep

      public WizardStep(IModel<String> title, IModel<String> summary)
      Creates a new step with the specified title and summary. The title and summary are displayed in the wizard title block while this step is active.
      title - the title of this step.
      summary - a brief summary of this step or some usage guidelines.
    • WizardStep

      public WizardStep(IModel<String> title, IModel<String> summary, IModel<?> model)
      Creates a new step with the specified title and summary. The title and summary are displayed in the wizard title block while this step is active.
      title - the title of this step.
      summary - a brief summary of this step or some usage guidelines.
      model - Any model which is to be used for this step
    • WizardStep

      public WizardStep(String title, String summary)
      Creates a new step with the specified title and summary. The title and summary are displayed in the wizard title block while this step is active.
      title - the title of this step.
      summary - a brief summary of this step or some usage guidelines.
    • WizardStep

      public WizardStep(String title, String summary, IModel<?> model)
      Creates a new step with the specified title and summary. The title and summary are displayed in the wizard title block while this step is active.
      title - the title of this step.
      summary - a brief summary of this step or some usage guidelines.
      model - Any model which is to be used for this step
  • Method Details

    • add

      public final void add(IFormValidator validator)
      Adds a form validator.
      validator -
    • applyState

      public void applyState()
      Description copied from interface: IWizardStep
      This method is called whenever the wizard proceeds from this step to another step. It is not called when returning to a previous step.
      Specified by:
      applyState in interface IWizardStep
      See Also:
    • getHeader

      public Component getHeader(String id, Component parent, IWizard wizard)
      Description copied from interface: IWizardStep
      Gets the header component for this step. This component is displayed in a special section of the wizard.

      This method is called every time this step becomes the active step of the wizard.

      Specified by:
      getHeader in interface IWizardStep
      id - The id that the component should be created with
      parent - The parent component (for post 1.2)
      wizard - The wizard component the header will be placed on
      The header component
      See Also:
    • getSummary

      public String getSummary()
      Gets the summary of this step. This will be displayed in the title of the wizard while this step is active. The summary is typically an overview of the step or some usage guidelines for the user.
      the summary of this step.
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Gets the title of this step.
      the title of this step.
    • getView

      public Component getView(String id, Component parent, IWizard wizard)
      Description copied from interface: IWizardStep
      Returns the current view this step is displaying. This component will be displayed in the main section of the wizard.

      This method is called every time this step becomes the active step of the wizard.

      Specified by:
      getView in interface IWizardStep
      id - The id that the component should be created with
      parent - The parent component (for post 1.2)
      wizard - The wizard component the header will be placed on
      The current view of the step.
      See Also:
    • init

      public final void init(IWizardModel wizardModel)
      Called to initialize the step. When this method is called depends on the kind of wizard model that is used. The static wizard model knows all the steps upfront and initializes themm when starting up. This method will be called when the wizard is initializing. The dynamic wizard model initializes steps every time they are encountered. This method sets the wizard model and then calls template method onInit(IWizardModel)
      Specified by:
      init in interface IWizardStep
      wizardModel - the model to which the step belongs.
    • isComplete

      public boolean isComplete()
      Checks if this step is compete. This method should return true if the wizard can proceed to the next step. This property is bound and changes can be made at anytime by calling setComplete(boolean) .
      Specified by:
      isComplete in interface IWizardStep
      true if the wizard can proceed from this step, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setComplete

      public void setComplete(boolean complete)
      Marks this step as compete. The wizard will not be able to proceed from this step until this property is configured to true.
      complete - true to allow the wizard to proceed, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setSummaryModel

      public void setSummaryModel(IModel<String> summary)
      Sets summary.
      summary - summary
    • setTitleModel

      public void setTitleModel(IModel<String> title)
      Sets title.
      title - title
    • detachModel

      protected void detachModel()
      Description copied from class: Component
      Detaches the model for this component if it is detachable.
      detachModel in class Component
      See Also:
    • onInitialize

      protected void onInitialize()
      Description copied from class: Component
      This method is meant to be used as an alternative to initialize components. Usually the component's constructor is used for this task, but sometimes a component cannot be initialized in isolation, it may need to access its parent component or its markup in order to fully initialize. This method is invoked once per component's lifecycle when a path exists from this component to the Page thus providing the component with an atomic callback when the component's environment is built out.

      Overrides must call super#Component.onInitialize(). Usually this should be the first thing an override does, much like a constructor.

      Parent containers are guaranteed to be initialized before their children

      It is safe to use Component.getPage() in this method

      NOTE:The timing of this call is not precise, the contract is that it is called sometime before Component.onBeforeRender().

      onInitialize in class MarkupContainer
    • onInit

      protected void onInit(IWizardModel wizardModel)
      Template method that is called when the step is being initialized.
      wizardModel -
      See Also:
    • getWizardModel

      wizard model