
package typeutils

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CaseClassComparator[T <: Product] extends TupleComparatorBase[T]

    Comparator for Case Classes.

    Comparator for Case Classes. Access is different from our Java Tuples so we have to treat them differently.

  2. abstract class CaseClassSerializer[T <: Product] extends TupleSerializerBase[T] with Cloneable

    Serializer for Case Classes.

    Serializer for Case Classes. Creation and access is different from our Java Tuples so we have to treat them differently.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  3. class EitherSerializer[A, B] extends TypeSerializer[Either[A, B]] with LegacySerializerSnapshotTransformer[Either[A, B]]

    Serializer for Either.

    Serializer for Either.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  4. class EnumValueComparator[E <: Enumeration] extends TypeComparator[typeutils.EnumValueComparator.E.Value]

    Comparator for Enumeration values.

    Comparator for Enumeration values.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  5. class EnumValueSerializer[E <: Enumeration] extends TypeSerializer[typeutils.EnumValueSerializer.E.Value]

    Serializer for Enumeration values.

    Serializer for Enumeration values.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  6. class NothingSerializer extends TypeSerializer[Any]

    Serializer for cases where no serializer is required but the system still expects one.

    Serializer for cases where no serializer is required but the system still expects one. This happens for OptionTypeInfo when None is used, or for Either when one of the type parameters is Nothing.

  7. class NothingSerializerSnapshot extends SimpleTypeSerializerSnapshot[Any]
  8. class OptionSerializer[A] extends TypeSerializer[Option[A]]

    Serializer for Option.

    Serializer for Option.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  9. class OptionTypeComparator[A] extends TypeComparator[Option[A]]

    Comparator for Option values.

    Comparator for Option values. Note that None is lesser than any Some values.

  10. class ScalaCaseClassSerializer[T <: Product] extends CaseClassSerializer[T]

    This is a non macro-generated, concrete Scala case class serializer.

    This is a non macro-generated, concrete Scala case class serializer.

    We need this serializer to replace the previously macro generated, anonymous CaseClassSerializer.

  11. final class ScalaCaseClassSerializerSnapshot[T <: Product] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[T, ScalaCaseClassSerializer[T]]

    TypeSerializerSnapshot for ScalaCaseClassSerializer.

  12. class ScalaEitherSerializerSnapshot[L, R] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[Either[L, R], EitherSerializer[L, R]]

    Configuration snapshot for serializers of Scala's Either type, containing configuration snapshots of the Left and Right serializers.

  13. class ScalaEnumSerializerSnapshot[E <: Enumeration] extends TypeSerializerSnapshot[typeutils.ScalaEnumSerializerSnapshot.E.Value]
  14. final class ScalaOptionSerializerSnapshot[E] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[Option[E], OptionSerializer[E]]

    A TypeSerializerSnapshot for the Scala OptionSerializer.

  15. class ScalaTrySerializerSnapshot[E] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[Try[E], TrySerializer[E]]

    A TypeSerializerSnapshot for the Scala TrySerializer.

    A TypeSerializerSnapshot for the Scala TrySerializer.

    This configuration snapshot class is implemented in Java because Scala does not allow calling different base class constructors from subclasses, while we need that for the default empty constructor.

  16. class TraversableSerializer[T <: TraversableOnce[E], E] extends TypeSerializer[T] with Cloneable

    Serializer for Scala Collections.

    Serializer for Scala Collections.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  17. class TraversableSerializerSnapshot[T <: TraversableOnce[E], E] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[T, TraversableSerializer[T, E]]

    A org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializerSnapshot for the Scala TraversableSerializer.

    A org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializerSnapshot for the Scala TraversableSerializer.

    This configuration snapshot class is implemented in Java because Scala does not allow calling different base class constructors from subclasses, while we need that for the default empty constructor.

  18. class TrySerializer[A] extends TypeSerializer[Try[A]]

    Serializer for scala.util.Try.

    Serializer for scala.util.Try.

    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  19. final class Tuple2CaseClassSerializerSnapshot[T1, T2] extends CompositeTypeSerializerSnapshot[(T1, T2), ScalaCaseClassSerializer[(T1, T2)]]

    TypeSerializerSnapshot for ScalaCaseClassSerializer.

  20. class UnitSerializer extends TypeSerializerSingleton[Unit]
    @Internal() @SerialVersionUID()
  21. abstract class CaseClassTypeInfo[T <: Product] extends TupleTypeInfoBase[T]

    TypeInformation for Case Classes.

    TypeInformation for Case Classes. Creation and access is different from our Java Tuples so we have to treat them differently.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  22. class EitherTypeInfo[A, B, T <: Either[A, B]] extends TypeInformation[T]

    TypeInformation Either.

    TypeInformation Either.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  23. class EnumValueTypeInfo[E <: Enumeration] extends TypeInformation[typeutils.EnumValueTypeInfo.E.Value] with AtomicType[typeutils.EnumValueTypeInfo.E.Value]

    TypeInformation for Enumeration values.

    TypeInformation for Enumeration values.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  24. class OptionTypeInfo[A, T <: Option[A]] extends TypeInformation[T] with AtomicType[T]

    TypeInformation for Option.

    TypeInformation for Option.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  25. class ScalaNothingTypeInfo extends TypeInformation[Nothing]

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  26. abstract class TraversableTypeInfo[T <: TraversableOnce[E], E] extends TypeInformation[T]

    TypeInformation for Scala Collections.

    TypeInformation for Scala Collections.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  27. class TryTypeInfo[A, T <: Try[A]] extends TypeInformation[T]

    TypeInformation for scala.util.Try.

    TypeInformation for scala.util.Try.

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

  28. class UnitTypeInfo extends TypeInformation[Unit]

    @deprecated @Public()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support

Value Members

  1. object OptionTypeComparator extends Serializable
  2. object ScalaCaseClassSerializer extends Serializable
  3. object ScalaEnumSerializerSnapshot
  4. object TraversableSerializer extends Serializable
  5. object UnitSerializer extends Serializable

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Types

    This class gives access to the type information of the most common Scala types for which Flink has built-in serializers and comparators.

    This class gives access to the type information of the most common Scala types for which Flink has built-in serializers and comparators.

    This class contains types of org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.Types and adds types for Scala specific classes (such as Unit or case classes).

    In many cases, Flink tries to analyze generic signatures of functions to determine return types automatically. This class is intended for cases where type information has to be supplied manually or cases where automatic type inference results in an inefficient type.

    Scala macros allow to determine type information of classes and type parameters. You can use Types.of to let type information be determined automatically.

    @deprecated @PublicEvolving()

    (Since version 1.18.0)

    See also

    FLIP-265 Deprecate and remove Scala API support
