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在 Windows 上运行 Flink

If you want to run Flink locally on a Windows machine you need to download and unpack the binary Flink distribution. After that you can either use the Windows Batch file (.bat), or use Cygwin to run the Flink Jobmanager.

Starting with Windows Batch Files

To start Flink in from the Windows Command Line, open the command window, navigate to the bin/ directory of Flink and run start-cluster.bat.

Note: The bin folder of your Java Runtime Environment must be included in Window’s %PATH% variable. Follow this guide to add Java to the %PATH% variable.

$ cd flink
$ cd bin
$ start-cluster.bat
Starting a local cluster with one JobManager process and one TaskManager process.
You can terminate the processes via CTRL-C in the spawned shell windows.
Web interface by default on http://localhost:8081/.

After that, you need to open a second terminal to run jobs using flink.bat.

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Starting with Cygwin and Unix Scripts

With Cygwin you need to start the Cygwin Terminal, navigate to your Flink directory and run the start-cluster.sh script:

$ cd flink
$ bin/start-cluster.sh
Starting cluster.

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If you are installing Flink from the git repository and you are using the Windows git shell, Cygwin can produce a failure similar to this one:

c:/flink/bin/start-cluster.sh: line 30: $'\r': command not found

This error occurs because git is automatically transforming UNIX line endings to Windows style line endings when running in Windows. The problem is that Cygwin can only deal with UNIX style line endings. The solution is to adjust the Cygwin settings to deal with the correct line endings by following these three steps:

  1. Start a Cygwin shell.

  2. Determine your home directory by entering

    cd; pwd
This will return a path under the Cygwin root path.
  1. Using NotePad, WordPad or a different text editor open the file .bash_profile in the home directory and append the following: (If the file does not exist you will have to create it)
set -o igncr

Save the file and open a new bash shell.

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